Stab in the Dark
You know it - facebook did it. I'm curious - shall I update? Or... has everybody else stopped blogging and is now doing you know what. If you still think blogs are worth it - and that I should continue this thing - drop me a line. It's not like there isn't a lot on my mind that could be written down.
I obviously have not caught on to facebook yet. I like blogs!
Hey man, I still always read your new entry's... Bloggin's where it's at:)
Blog vs. Facebook? I don't know. I do know your message on Sunday AM ( Aug 5 ) was very good, probably because you spoke from experience, from the heart.Thanks!
I still blog and check on my friends' blogs every once in a while. I tried Facebook for half a day and didn't like it. :) Hehe, maybe I'm weird.
Keep blogging! I love your openess and seeing what God is doing in you life - it's very encouraging!
Continue blogging. Was really nice to meet you at sonshine-fest and later...
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na RANDOM!!!! Codes I still want to see your pictures!
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